enhancing homes
around Boston, MA
plus virtual assistance

I've studied postive psychology, environmental psychology, and design psychology—and I know how to customize interiors to improve the lives of those living there... from the inside out. Let's create an inspiring sanctuary for you that speaks to your heart and soul and that highlights what's most important and pleasant in your life... let's design your own personal Haven of Happiness. You do want increased happiness and success in your life, don't you?
You spend parts of every day at home—rather important parts!—plus your home is the only environment you can fully control... your place in the Universe to do and feel as you wish. So it's very worthwhile to
Tracy Patruno
happy-home coach
take stock and maximize what's in your power. How wonderful to be able to create a totally comfortable, nurturing, stress-free, empowering setting that will enable you to be your best self, day in and day out. The benefits from positive personal spaces—happiness and well-being—can ripple out into all areas of your life.
This website is new and pretty basic right now, but there's a lot more I want to share with you. For now, hope you'll find a comfy spot to settle in, learn a bit about positive interior design, reflect on your own home environment, and sign up for Bliss This Home updates or to arrange a consultation. I'm glad you're visiting!
Hello... come on in. (No need to wipe feet or remove shoes.) Extending a warm welcome to Bliss This Home, where I'd love to introduce you to positive interior design and to help you enhance your personal spaces for increased happiness and well-being.

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learn about the benefits you can enjoy when your home is customized for your happiness and well-being
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"Your home is not just somewhere to put your stuff. It's the place where you heal, grow, restore, work, love, gather, and create memories for a lifetime. Make sure that your surroundings are healthy, uplifting, and inspiring."
~ Laura Benko, holistic designer
from Spirituality & Health magazine